America’s police state citizen surveillance modeled after communist China’s citizen reputation scores
Police in the United States are increasingly using a “scoring” technique to assess citizens’ potential threat levels, with critics of the assessment methodology seeing little difference between them and police in communist China. As reported by the Washington Post, a recent scenario that played out in Fresno, Calif., is indicative of just how pervasive America’s Read More

Congress urged to address encryption issue once and for all
(Cyberwar.news) Congress has to act on encryption or the issue could bounce around courts across the country for years to come, a leading privacy expert warned ahead of a crucial hearing on the dispute between Apple and the FBI. The two sides, involved in an increasingly rancorous dispute over attempts to access a phone used by Read More

Obama Set To Put In New Law That Can Put Everyone In Jail (Video)
In this video Luke Rudkowski documents the biggest legal change in privacy law that will have a profound affect on the American way of life. We go over Obama’s new guidelines that will allow the NSA to share all of your private information with other federal agencies for domestic policing. This means the IRS, DEA, Read More

Ed Snowden says FBI claim that it can’t unlock an iPhone is ‘BS’
(Cyberwar.news) Former National Security Agency contractor-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden has sounded off regarding arguments over the FBI’s attempt to force Apple, Inc., to provide technology to unlock an iPhone 5C that was used by one of the San Bernardino jihadists. Snowden, whose revelations sparked a massive debate over mass government electronic surveillance, ostensibly in the interests Read More

U.S. intel chief wants to use the Internet of things to spy on people
(Cyberwar.news) Just a few years ago, when tech and appliance companies began adding wireless features to their products as part of a new “Internet of things,” members of the U.S. intelligence community were working on ways to use TVs, washers, dryers and other products as a new way to spy on people. The concept was Read More

We Will See The Spread Of Tyrannical Governments
CDC raises the alert level to 1. NSA will merge offensive and defensive cyber attacks. France just included the state of emergency in its constitution. Government is completely controlling the people. North Korea’s satellite is now in orbit. France using Russian footage of bombings in Syria, the US did the same. Kerry is pushing for Read More

NSA undertaking a major 21st century reorganization to better deal with emerging digital threats
(Cyberwar.news) The National Security Agency, the world’s largest electronic spy agency, has begun a major reorganization that will see a merging of offensive and defensive capabilities with the goal of creating a more adept, agile force to deal with emerging digital threats, The Washington Post reports. Current and former officials who spoke to the paper Read More

Study: Technologies give govt. plenty of opportunity to track Americans
(Cyberwar.news) Since 2013 top federal law enforcement officials in the FBI and elsewhere have been pushing Congress and the White House to approve legislation that would essentially give them “backdoor” access into encryption software, arguing it was necessary to track criminal and terrorist activities. Officials like FBI Director James Comey have testified before congressional committees Read More