
Lawmaker says classified details of Iran’s capture and treatment of U.S. Navy sailors will truly shock the nation

( A member of the House Armed Services Committee says that when the American people find out how U.S. Navy sailors captured and briefly detained by Iranian naval forces last year were treated, they will be shocked and upset. In an interview with the Washington Free Beacon, Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., said that the details Read More


Obama now has enough support to overcome GOP opposition to Iran deal, virtually assuring the Tehran regime will get nuclear weapons in the future

( With the pledged support of retiring U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Maryland, President Obama is now very likely to have enough backing to overcome Republican opposition to his Iran nuclear deal, one that critics say virtually assures that the self-described “Islamic Republic” will one day become a nuclear power. As reported by Fox News, Mikulski Read More