Belgium and the Netherlands are stocking up on Iodine to combat nuclear radiation from power plants… should U.S. residents be stocking up too?
(Be prepared and get your emergency Iodine from the Natural News Store by clicking here while supplies last) Nuclear accidents are no longer considered a slight possibility, but an imminent threat due to aging reactors and the sites being increasingly targeted by terror groups, such as ISIS. The Dutch government is the latest to take Read More

Japan’s most recent brutal earthquake prompts fear of similar Fukushima disaster… but nuclear facility on Kyushu Island refuses to take precaution
March 11, 2016 marked the fifth year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster, and Japan is still repeating the same old mistakes. The Kumamoto region of Kyushu island was hit by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake early Sunday morning, killing 33 people in total. Despite fears of another Fukushima disaster ensuing, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) declared Read More

Cybersecurity expert warns Americans: ‘Be very afraid’ of future attacks on U.S. banking, power and nuclear infrastructure
(CyberWar.news) Top cybersecurity expert Joseph Weiss, whose PBS documentary, CyberWar Threat, premiered Oct. 14, is warning that America’s vast network of computer systems is extremely vulnerable to hacking and disruption by actors ranging from nation-states seeking a military edge to individuals who may only have an axe to grind. In either event, Weiss says, the threat Read More

Nuclear power plants vulnerable to cyberattacks across the globe
Nuclear power plants have always carried their fair share of risks. A risk that has been widely ignored by the nuclear industry is the threat of cyberattacks. This sentiment rang true with respect to a new Chatham House report, which found most countries with civil nuclear infrastructure are vulnerable to cyberattacks. The risk of cyberattacks Read More