While the media distracts you, THREE nuclear disasters are unfolding in America right now
Americans are divided on practically every issue, both big and small. While the nation has been enthralled over whether transgender people should be able to use their bathroom of choice, three nuclear disasters brewing in America’s background have gone virtually unnoticed by the mainstream media. One nuclear disaster awaiting to make national headlines is a Read More

Massive radioactive plume could be released over St. Louis before the end of 2015
The people of St. Louis, Missouri, could be the victims of a very serious man-made, environmental disaster as an underground fire is slowly burning at Bridgeton Landfill just 1,000 feet away from a cache of Cold War-era nuclear waste, reports ZeroHedge.com. Aware of the potential disaster, government officials have “quietly” drafted an emergency evacuation plan Read More

Typhoon Etau busts drainage system and flushes radioactive water from Fukushima into the ocean
The Fukushima nuclear power station dumped contaminated and radioactive water into the ocean after a rush of water, caused by Typhoon Etau, which lead to the site’s drainage pumps to overflow. Typhoon Etau has caused massive flooding in Japan, prompting thousands to evacuate. Twenty-three people are missing and three have been confirmed dead. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Read More