Epic fail: Once more, first lady Michelle Obama proves she has no business managing nutrition at the nation’s public schools or anywhere else
(BigGovernment.news) Every first lady (except for Hillary Clinton) had a “hobby” of sorts while their husbands served as leader of the free world, and for Michelle Obama, her efforts have been aimed at ‘reforming’ public school lunch menus. As we have reported in the past, this effort of hers has been a monumental failure. Working Read More

Health freedom warning! New FDA head Robert Califf to shut down natural product companies (Audio)
Your health freedom is under attack! The new FDA head Robert Califf is set to invoke the Food Safety and Modernization Act to conduct sweeping shut downs of natural product manufacturers across America. This means your access to medicinal herbs, nutritional supplements and natural products is now at extreme risk! Now, more than ever, you Read More

How to boost the good Omega fatty acids in your diet
(Homesteading.news) While it’s true that both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are considered “essential nutrients,” which means they have to come from your diet, an out-of-balance dietary ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 has been known to disrupt the body’s natural inflammatory process. But as homesteaders there is a way to correct this imbalance, Read More