Keep those pesky pests out of your garden safely and above all, naturally
(Homesteading.news) One of the biggest challenges that organic gardeners have long faced is invasive pests, which as you may well know tend to target food crops that have not been treated with toxic pesticides. But maintaining a truly organic garden is not an impossible task, especially if you are willing to take the time to employ Read More

How organic gardens aren’t just healthier, they save you money too
(Homesteading.news) One of the most common excuses people have for not eating healthy is that healthy food costs too much, particularly organic food that is often priced slightly higher than comparable conventional food. But eating healthy and organic does not have to break the bank, especially if you follow these helpful tips for maximizing nutrition on Read More

Use these fantastic organic fertilizers to grow a grander garden
(Homesteading.news) Spring is rapidly approaching and with it, warmer weather. It’s time to begin thinking about what you’re going to be planting in your various gardens this year, and, more to the point, how best to “feed” what you plant. For that, you’ll need a good organic fertilizer – one that you can make yourself Read More

Natural pesticides you can make at home
(Homesteading.news) We all love organic food because we know going natural is better for our families. And, as growing season approaches, now is the time to talk about how best to keep your plants and vegetables pest-free without using dangerous chemicals that can leach into nearby waterways and soil. There are several natural pesticide recipes you Read More

Produce thousands of pounds of fresh, organic food on small parcels of land
(Homesteading.news) For most, growing large amounts of their own has meant moving out of the city or suburbs and onto a plot of land in the country. But for those who can’t quite make the move, never fear: You, too, can live a bit of the homesteading life and grow huge amounts of food, and Read More