Typhoon Etau busts drainage system and flushes radioactive water from Fukushima into the ocean
The Fukushima nuclear power station dumped contaminated and radioactive water into the ocean after a rush of water, caused by Typhoon Etau, which lead to the site’s drainage pumps to overflow. Typhoon Etau has caused massive flooding in Japan, prompting thousands to evacuate. Twenty-three people are missing and three have been confirmed dead. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Read More

BILLIONS of dead fish now washing up in Alaska from radiation-polluted Pacific Ocean
Something smells fishy in Alaska’s waters. Hundreds of dead fish were found dead on Front Beach in downtown Alaska last Tuesday. In addition, high temperatures and low river levels are killing salmon in Matanuska and Susitna valleys.(1, 2) These reports coincide with a number of dead whales, birds and fish being found in the Aleutian Read More

Mysterious “ectoplasm from Ghostbusters” coats West Coast where sea life once thrived
A mysterious green goo is haunting the West Coast. Local fishermen have dubbed the mystery goo as “mud” for its thickness and muddy color, and have attributed it to this year’s abysmal salmon season. Fishing nets have been pulling in more mud than Nass River sockeye. According to Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), Read More