Poison from above? Aerial spraying of mosquito-fighting pesticides has been shown to increase the risks of autism
Children residing in a region of New York State that uses aerial pesticides to maintain mosquitoes have an increased risk for autism in comparison to children living outside the area, according to a new study. In the recent study, presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies 2016 meeting, the researchers reviewed autism rates and developmental delays Read More

Bayer’s bid to purchase Monsanto means MORE GMOs and further monopolization of the world’s food supply
Environmental groups are calling for a national reduction in agricultural chemical use as pesticides are increasingly being tied to childhood illnesses such as cancer, autism, and developmental disabilities. Meanwhile, the crops chemical industry is undergoing an unprecedented wave of consolidation, and as a result, increasing chemical pollution worldwide. DuPont, the second largest seed company, recently Read More

Getting pesticides out of bud: the alternative health community’s next big issue
Conventional crops tend to be coated with noxious pesticides. Marijuana crops are no exception. As more and more states legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, the next big issue for the alternative health community is to ensure that bud is free of dangerous pesticides. The use of illegal pesticides is a growing problem in the marijuana Read More

USDA rule allows hidden feces, pus, bacteria and bleach in conventional poultry
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, like a number of other federal agencies whose duty it is to ensure your health, safety and well-being when it comes to food, drugs and the environment, has proven time and again that it is more beholden to political special interests than the general public it was established to serve. Read More

Natural pesticides you can make at home
(Homesteading.news) We all love organic food because we know going natural is better for our families. And, as growing season approaches, now is the time to talk about how best to keep your plants and vegetables pest-free without using dangerous chemicals that can leach into nearby waterways and soil. There are several natural pesticide recipes you Read More

EPA, USDA, FDA – the triad of anti-science to poison humanity and the environment (Audio)
Think the EPA, FDA and USDA are “scientific” organizations? Think again: They’re actually front groups for ANTI-science corporate agendas. This triad of government regulators is now actively engaged in the ongoing censorship, suppression and falsification of scientific data in order to push toxic chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals) for profit. The result is the mass poisoning Read More

Approximately 94% of corn grown in U.S. is coated with bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides
A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that neonicotinoid pesticides, a relatively new class of insecticides, negatively affect the immune system of honeybees by helping a viral pathogen propagate. In an effort to find out how neonicotinoid pesticides harm bees, research scientists injected bees with a pathogen known as Read More