Vaccine quackery: Big Pharma’s money machine is out to defraud you
Scientific fraud, trickery and deception – these are the words that best describe the shady world of vaccine research, funded by the American taxpayer and generating profits for Big Pharma. The self-affirming cult of “Western medicine” silences any attempt at reasonable dissent; meanwhile, parents are forced to make uninformed choices for their children in the Read More

News report reveals the shocking truth about the meningitis vaccine
Meningococcal disease, or bacterial meningitis, is a serious infection in the protective membranes (meninges) of the brain and the spinal cord that affects fewer than 1000 people per year in the United States. Tragically, this fast acting illness kills 10 – 15% of those infected. Additional complications can include bloodstream infections (septicemia) that may result in brain damage, learning disabilities, deafness and loss of limbs Read More