Why socialist societies deplete and destroy earth’s natural resources faster than free-market systems
Many attribute environmental degradation and pollution to free market enterprise, an economic system in which corporations routinely operate aberrant of the law. However, this type of reckless behavior is not limited to capitalism. As the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) points out, “profit motive” is not the primary cause of pollution. If this were true, Read More

Salmon caught near Seattle overloaded with antidepressants, cocaine and more
Humans aren’t the only animal with a thirst for drugs. Frightening new research reveals that Puget Sound salmon tested positive for more than 80 different drugs, including cocaine, antidepressants and a litter of other drugs used by people. When researchers tested the water at and close to the sewage treatment plants in the estuaries of Read More

BILLIONS of dead fish now washing up in Alaska from radiation-polluted Pacific Ocean
Something smells fishy in Alaska’s waters. Hundreds of dead fish were found dead on Front Beach in downtown Alaska last Tuesday. In addition, high temperatures and low river levels are killing salmon in Matanuska and Susitna valleys.(1, 2) These reports coincide with a number of dead whales, birds and fish being found in the Aleutian Read More