How to make 5-gallon emergency buckets and what to put in them
(Homesteading.news) Everyone should be prepared for an emergency, especially emergencies tied to bad weather because no matter where you live, you’re susceptible to it. Heavy rains and flooding, major snow storms that could trap you indoors, tornadoes and hurricanes – whatever you might experience in your neck of the woods, you should always be prepared Read More

Three things ‘The Walking Dead’ can teach preppers and survivalists
(Bugout.news) Yes, of course, it’s a fictional TV show based on a fictional event – the zombie apocalypse – but if you haven’t watched the hit AMC program, you’re in for a treat, especially if you’re of the mind that, when SHTF, you plan on not being victimized by the ensuing collapse of civil society. Read More

How to make your campfire burn all night
(Bugout.news) You’re out and about and you know you’re not going to get back to your home base so you decide it’s time to find a place to hole up for the evening. You drop your pack, get out your shelter gear and set it up. Now, as the sun begins to set, the temperature Read More

These 10 items are cheap now but they will be invaluable after SHTF
(Bugout.news) While it is true that a lot of survival gear can be expensive, there are some items now – like toilet paper – that are extremely affordable, but which will become invaluable once stuff hits the fan and chaos ensues. And that’s just the beginning, as noted by Urban Survival Site. There are literally Read More

A ‘Walking Dead’ scenario: This is what cities will look like when anarchy hits
(Bugout.news) If you’re not a fan of the AMC network’s hit series, The Walking Dead, and you’ve ever wondered what total anarchy would look like in a mid-to-large city – perhaps like the one in which you’re living – you’re missing out on a weekly lesson in reality. Now, we’re not talking about a city Read More

And the question is: Can you ever prepare ENOUGH?
(Bugout.news) At some point you may have a tendency to ask yourself, “Have I prepared enough?” and “What more can I possibly do to prepare” for the day when stuff hits the fan? Whenever I am asked these questions, I tend to fall back on my military experience and answer, simply, “You can never prepare Read More

Life after an EMP event will be extreme so prepare now
(Bugout.news) An electromagnetic pulse event – whether manmade (airborne nuclear explosion) or naturally occurring (a massive sunspot) – is a very real possibility, say the experts, but despite that most Americans are completely unaware of the damage such an event can cause. Federal agencies have said that an EMP attack could disable the nation’s power Read More

Don’t make these 5 bug-out bag mistakes
(Bugout.news) Living in the city can be difficult enough in good times, but should the need arise for you to have to get out quickly, you’re going to want to plan ahead for that. Planning should include some sort of “bug-out bag” – that is, a rucksack, knapsack, backpack or other portable storage device filled Read More

If the apocalypse strikes, understand this: No U.S. city can feed itself
(Bugout.news) In times of peace and relative tranquility, when the civil society is still functioning at something close to normal, American cities can still be dangerous, as evidenced by higher-than-normal crime and murder rates that are actually rising in many localities. What’s more, the hustle and bustle of trying to earn a living, manage home Read More

Knowing how to survive the first 72 hours after disaster will be critical
(Bugout.news) Many experts will note that the first 72 hours following a natural or man-made disaster will likely be the most chaotic, because it will take at least that long (and perhaps longer) for the authorities to get things under control. A lot can happen – and likely will happen – in that three-day period Read More