It’s OFFICIAL: We’re being invaded by illegal immigrants and what Obama has reaped, we will sow
(Bugout.news) When billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump announced his bid to become the Republican Party’s 2016 presidential nominee, he stirred up a national conversation about illegal immigration that continues to this day. In fact, it’s entirely accurate to say that, since Trump decried the “murderers and rapists” making their way illegally into the U.S. from Mexico, Americans finally began having Read More

The real Obama legacy: Toxic race relations, fear, social unrest, and collapse of the system
(Bugout.news) As we reported last month, there is a massive wave of unrest that will be unleashed over the long, hot summer, as radicals associated with BlackLivesMatter and other extremist organizations funded by billionaire Leftists like George Soros prepare to hijack the political process and bring chaos this year’s presidential race. Sitting in their ivory Read More