Radiation levels peak at Fukushima power plant
More than four years after the Fukushima disaster, radiation levels in the area still continue to spike. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the company in charge of the power plant, announced Thursday that radiation levels as high as 9.4 sieverts per hour were detected outside a reactor containment vessel at the Fukushima No. 1 Read More

Massive radioactive plume could be released over St. Louis before the end of 2015
The people of St. Louis, Missouri, could be the victims of a very serious man-made, environmental disaster as an underground fire is slowly burning at Bridgeton Landfill just 1,000 feet away from a cache of Cold War-era nuclear waste, reports ZeroHedge.com. Aware of the potential disaster, government officials have “quietly” drafted an emergency evacuation plan Read More