
After Somali men gang rape 16-year-old British girl, they harass her family in court… How would we handle this if it happened in America?

The immigrant crime wave in Europe just keeps worsening day by day, and refugees from North Africa and the Middle East continue streaming into the continent, bringing with them different cultural mores that don’t mesh well with European social and cultural values. As noted by the Daily Mail, the mother of a 16-year-old British girl Read More


The Fall of Europe: Migrant responds to anti-rape training… by committing rape

More and more Europeans are beginning to rethink the continent’s generosity towards the hundreds of thousands of migrants EU nations have allowed in after realizing that a meshing of cultures just might not be possible. Following a series of rapes and assaults committed by migrants against European women, a number of EU countries responded not Read More


Terrorists are winning: European women being told not to go in public without male escorts, just like in Muslim countries

Historically, Europeans, like Americans, are a tolerant bunch, but their patience is wearing thin as their leaders disregard common sense and public safety, in their rush to out-liberal each other and see who can admit more cultural opposites from the Middle East and North Africa. So bad have the mounting incidents of sexual abuse committed Read More