Did you know the government has a real-life zombie defense plan that covers over 8 different types of zombies?
Apparently, the zombie apocalypse poses an existential to humanity threat that is worth taking seriously. That is at least according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which launched a zombie initiative a few years ago that received a flurry of attention on the web. The entire course, dubbed CONPLAN888, was declassified recently, and is Read More

Robozombie apocalypse just around the corner! A.I. company claims they can resuscitate the dead with brain transplants by 2045
Humai, a new artificial intelligence (A.I.) company, is “reinventing the afterlife” by aiming to bring people back from the grave by 2045. According to the company, this feat will be accomplished with A.I. and nanotechnologies that store data about how the body works. In other words, get ready — the robozombie apocalypse is just around the Read More