What is the Rockefeller Foundation and how has it oppressed natural medicine for nearly a century?
Never underestimate the urgent wickedness of the demonic forces behind those who control the world – or think that they do. The depravity of greed, genocide and murderous destruction engendered from one family, John D. Rockefeller and his sons, are, in part, documented by Truthwiki: “… From coal, kerosene and gasoline to oil and petroleum, Rockefeller was a modern Read More

Yes, you can buy the Zika virus on the internet! (Audio)
We’ve now been able to confirm three astonishing facts about Zika virus (h/t to others in alt. media who initiated this line of investigation): 1) YES, Zika virus traces its origins back to the Rockefeller Foundation. 2) YES, Zika virus can be purchased online. We were able to find two suppliers who offer three different Read More