Monsanto has known for over 35 years that its glyphosate-soaked ‘food’ causes cancer
Most folks who comprehend the GMO fraud know this basic fact. In 1992, FDA scientists’ thought there could be unknown toxins and other dangers in these foods. There comments were ignored. For the uninitiated, Steven Druker’s book, “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth,” is a dynamic expose of the con job forced upon American’s digestive systems. Yet Monsanto, who ruled the White House in 1992, had already known Read More

U.S. finally admits Agent Orange residue poisoned its own soldiers
After decades of denial, the Department of Veteran Affairs finally acknowledged that Monsanto’s Agent Orange, a herbicide sprayed across Vietnam during the war, was responsible for the health ailments of over 2,100 Air Force servicemen. Federal officials have agreed to release over $45 million in disability benefits to Air Force active duty personnel and reservists Read More

Monsanto hired the infamous mercenary firm Blackwater to track FOOD ACTIVISTS around the world
Millions of Americans remember the private mercenary force known as Blackwater for its involvement in an unprovoked attack that left scores of Iraqi civilians dead in 2007, but most have no idea that the firm had a business relationship as well with Monsanto. As we reported in May 2013, the relationship between the world’s largest Read More

Not safe to eat: Rats fed lifetime of GMO corn grow horrifying tumors, die very early
Learn how you can transform your health through clean eating by signing up for the FOOD REVOLUTION summit for free here! Genetically modified (GM) corn is rat poison. That is at least what the results of a controversial study linking GM feed with cancerous tumor growths in rats would seem to suggest. During a two-year Read More

The Netherlands, France, Italy and Sweden block vote to renew Monsanto’s glyphosate license, calling for further safety assessments
Biotech giant Monsanto is finally suffering the consequences of poisoning people and the environment with their cancer-causing herbicide, Roundup. Monsanto, which is on record for operating like a vicious mafia, was called out by the World Health Organization last spring when it declared that Roundup’s primary ingredient, glyphosate, is “probably carcinogenic.” Since then, a string Read More