Senate bill would require tech companies to give the government ‘backdoor’ access to every device
(Cyberwar.news) On the heels of a legal battle between Apple, Inc., and the FBI over gaining access to an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino terrorists, a Senate panel is devising legislation that would require technology companies to build so-called “backdoors” into their devices so that they would be accessible to government intelligence Read More

Business group hardens Republican stance against Supreme Court nomination
(BigGovernment.news) A small business group, stepping into the debate over the Supreme Court nominee for the first time in its history, has emerged as the major roadblock to the confirmation of Merrick Garland while Republicans control the Senate. The National Federation of Independent Business’s withering analysis of Garland’s record helped move the position of some Read More

Bill allowing government to collect virtually all data on U.S. internet users to be voted on in Senate
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing for a vote on the infamous Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) prior to a four-week recess beginning August 10. As of right now, however, there are no immediate plans to vote on the bill.(1) CISA is a bill that just won’t die. Critics have dubbed CISA the “zombie Read More