Major financial institutions buying up precious metals in anticipation of dollar collapse
For decades the global financial elite have pooh-poohed the notion that buying gold, silver and other precious metals was a good hedge against a financial collapse. That could have been because the world’s financial elite are also the world’s financial puppeteers, rigging the game in their favor at the expense of the average Joe and Read More

US Economy Is Tumbling Into An Economic Collapse That Will Shock The World (Video)
Gold slammed down and now pushing back up. Initial jobless claims at 42 year lows even though more retail stores are closing and corporations are laying off. Real income is going to decline this year. Baltic Dry index declines again, the dead count bounce is over. All the signs are pointing to a recession/depression as Read More

Andy Hoffman-Gold and Silver Shortages Coming This Year (Video)
The U.S. Mint had a record month in February and sold a million ounces per week. Hoffman says, “This is with the mint allocating a million ounces a week, which is why they sold four million ounces. So, overall, they are at a pace to sell 50% more than they did in last year’s record Read More

Get ready for a bigger financial meltdown, says Doug Casey
Economic expert Doug Casey warns of a looming financial meltdown bigger and longer than before by the end of the year. As quoted by USA Watchdog, Casey asserts that “All these central bankers are doing the same stupid things. . . . The American central bank, the Europeans, Japanese and the Chinese have all printed trillions of new currency Read More