The day the electric grid died
(Bugout.news) Of all the “nightmare” scenarios that are entirely plausible – not the far-out conspiracies, but situations that could actually happen – the one that most unsettles people is loss of the nation’s power grid. Whether that loss occurred due to a cyberattack, massive grid failure due to overuse, or the worst of this worst Read More

If the apocalypse strikes, understand this: No U.S. city can feed itself
(Bugout.news) In times of peace and relative tranquility, when the civil society is still functioning at something close to normal, American cities can still be dangerous, as evidenced by higher-than-normal crime and murder rates that are actually rising in many localities. What’s more, the hustle and bustle of trying to earn a living, manage home Read More

What is in many bugout bags? This researcher says guns, liquor, pot
(Bugout.news) It may seem like an odd combination, but this researcher says it’s absolutely spot on. When it comes to bugout bags, many Americans truly do want to check out – as in, way out, so they have stocked up with odd combinations of weapons, alcohol and illegal drugs. In a photo series documenting bugout Read More