Pentagon: China is restructuring its military for war as it boosts troop levels near Indian border
(NationalSecurity.news) The Chinese military is undergoing a major restructuring to prepare it for future conflict, the Pentagon told Congress in its latest annual assessment of the People’s Liberation Army, including taking a more aggressive posture towards its large and powerful neighbors. As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the Pentagon said in its 145-page report Read More

U.S. lawmaker: ‘Send American carriers to Taiwan’ after China snub
(NationalSecurity.news) The chairman of the House Armed Service Committee’s subcommittee on Sea Power called on the Obama administration last week to send American aircraft carriers to ports of call in Taiwan after China refused to allow the USS John C. Stennis to make a port call to Hong Kong. Rep. J. Randy Forbes, R-Va., said Read More

U.S., India to bolder anti-submarine capability amid rising tensions with aggressive China
(NationalSecurity.news) NEW DELHI/HONG KONG (Reuters) – India and the United States are in talks to help each other track submarines in the Indian Ocean, military officials say, a move that could further tighten defense ties between New Delhi and Washington as China steps up its undersea activities. Both the United States and India are growing Read More

China’s continued military build up on contested islands in South China Sea is boosting risk of conflict
(NationalSecurity.news) Chinese plans to construct facilities and military installations on an island near the Philippines is making regional conflict more likely, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter told lawmakers last week. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Carter was asked about the strategic significance of Beijing’s plans to build military facilities on disputed Scarborough Shoal, Read More

China lays out plans for militarizing disputed island as bid to dominate all of South China Sea continues
(NationalSecurity.news) Despite pressure from the United States and a host of ASEAN nations who have all expressed concern over China’s increasing militarization of the South China Sea, Beijing seems undeterred and is continuing to expand its power in the region. That was made evident, once again, in recent days by China’s release of a plan Read More

SecDef Carter Hopes to Shore Up Ties with India as Counterbalance to China
(NationalSecurity.news) GOA, India (Reuters) – U.S. Defence Secretary Ash Carter began a three-day visit to India on Sunday, seeking to advance a relatively new defense relationship with a country Washington sees as a counterweight to the growing power of China. In a sign of the importance Carter places on improving defense ties with India, the Read More

Pacific Fleet commander wants to confront China in the South China Sea but White House is balking
(NationalSecurity.news) The four-star admiral in command of the U.S. Pacific Fleet has been arguing behind closed doors that he’s ready to confront the Chinese navy over its bullying and assertiveness in the South China Sea, but the White House has put up resistance each time, the Navy Times reported earlier this week. PACOM commander Adm. Read More

Chinese bullying in South China Sea changing international rules, top U.S. admiral warns
(NationalSecurity.news) The U.S. Navy’s top admiral in the Pacific, speaking at a maritime conference in Australia, said last week that there is a “palpable sense” in the region that a “might makes right” mentality has taken over, warning that the present chaos in the Middle East, North Africa and eastern Europe could be precursors to Read More

China closing in on the Philippines as U.S. sends carrier group to South China Sea
(NationalSecurity.news) The Chinese navy has begun an effort to seize more control over waters and atolls in the South China Sea that have historically been under control of the Philippines, as the Pentagon dispatched a six-ship carrier group to the region as a means of reaffirming support for an Asian ally. As reported by The Read More

U.S. Navy will increase ‘freedom of navigation’ patrols in South China Sea despite Chinese militarization
(NationalSecurity.news) The U.S. Navy plans to bolster its “freedom of navigation” patrols in the South China Sea near reclaimed and man-made islands under the control of China, even as Beijing has deployed sophisticated air-defense missiles, long-range radar and fighter jets to some of those islands. “We will be doing them more, and we’ll be doing Read More