Horrifying compilation of school schootings and suicides shines light on the dark reality of violence unleashed from antidepressant use
The death and destruction of the psychiatric treadmill is only now being comprehended. The link between students taking SSRI drugs and then shooting classmates and teachers is growing. Families seeking help for what may be a mildly overwhelmed or depressed teenagers, have found their loved ones homicidal and/or suicidal with the end result ending in tragedy, whether a school Read More

Are overprescribed antidepressants causing cancer?
Shockingly, one in 10 Americans is prescribed some type of antidepressant, with those numbers reaching one in four for women in their forties and fifties, according to The New York Times. The fact that such a large portion of the U.S. is on antidepressants is incredibly alarming when considering the multitude of side-effects caused by Read More

Health field invents medical diagnoses to drug America’s youth
In a disturbing modern trend, the young, middle aged and the old seem to be increasingly diagnosed with mental health disorders. Almost everyone knows someone who has been diagnosed with a mental illness whether it is attention deficit disorder (ADD), bipolar disorder, depression or anxiety. Is it possible that mental health disorders aren’t really on the rise, but Read More