Swedish study: Those with Autism and an associated learning disability have an average age of death at 39 years old
The assault of toxins upon all the earth and all who breathe is clear. The toll is especially harsh on our most vulnerable, the children, whose immune systems are ripe for disruption from vaccines, chemtrails or GMO infant formula. You’ve heard the statistics concerning the startling increase in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While the CDC is still stumbling about Read More

Fukushima disaster sparks rise in suicide and spontaneous abortion rates
An estimated 2,000 people died during the Fukushima evacuation process in 2011. More than four years later, the Fukushima power plant is still claiming lives. Reports reveal that the disaster has been linked to a spike in suicide rates and spontaneous abortions. According to a Japanese Cabinet Office report, approximately 56 suicides between 2011 and Read More