Supreme Court just approved a rule change giving the FBI more hacking authority
(Cyberwar.news) WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Supreme Court on Thursday approved a rule change that would let U.S. judges issue search warrants for access to computers located in any jurisdiction despite opposition from civil liberties groups who say it will greatly expand the FBI’s hacking authority. U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts transmitted the rules to Congress, Read More

In an era of mass rape by refugees, U.S. Supreme Court is about to rule stun guns and pepper spray illegal
For millions of Americans who live in gun-free zones – that is, cities and localities where elected officials refuse to extend to citizens their right to keep and bear arms in public – lesser forms of personal defense are permitted. Many of them carry pepper spray, “stun” guns and other non-lethal devices in order to Read More

Business group hardens Republican stance against Supreme Court nomination
(BigGovernment.news) A small business group, stepping into the debate over the Supreme Court nominee for the first time in its history, has emerged as the major roadblock to the confirmation of Merrick Garland while Republicans control the Senate. The National Federation of Independent Business’s withering analysis of Garland’s record helped move the position of some Read More