federal register title page Feb 4 2016

Federal government set all-time record for number of new regulations in 2015

The federal government managed to achieve another record-breaking year in 2015 regarding the number of new regulations created. The final page count of the 2015 Federal Register reached 82,036 pages, more than last year’s 77,687 pages, and higher than the previous record-holding year of 2010. Clyde Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute wrote: “Among Read More


Officials refuse to disclose list of 11 Obamacare co-ops nearing collapse

Barely two years after their launch in 2013, nine of the original 24 Obamacare co-ops have already been deemed failures – with an additional 11 more nearing collapse, as well. Although federal officials have already identified these 11 co-ops, the list remains shrouded in secrecy as they refuse to divulge information to the public. Officials Read More

Bernie Sanders

Bernwashing and American corporatocracy

If tweets, shares and hashtags are any indication, then there’s no doubt that Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has managed to capture a huge chunk of 2016’s millennial voting block. Voters have lapped up Sanders’ promises of mandating high-paying jobs, rallying against overseas outsourcing and ending the Drug War. His solution: a renewed sense of socialism in America, and Read More


Game of Loans: Interest is coming; 2/3 of U.S. graduates say college is a ripoff

In a recent poll, two-thirds of recent U.S. college graduates said they would consider higher education in the United States to be a ripoff. In the “Game of Loans” also know as the student debt bubble, a balloon of trillions of dollars, directly backed by the American taxpayer, is at serious risk of never being Read More