Puerto Rico in the midst of an economic collapse, admits U.S. Treasury official
The pipe dream days of easy money and endless credit are coming to an end in the United States, and the first place that is becoming evident is in a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico. The Caribbean nation has been in economic dire straights for some time, but U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew recently announced in Read More

No, our government did not get leaner and more efficient in 2015
(BigGovernment.news) Just in case you wanted to believe that President Obama kept a 2012 promise to pursue a “leaner and more efficient government” as he ran for reelection, here’s a sad reminder to let you know that he didn’t. Obama had help in his failure, however: Congress didn’t do much to accomplish that goal, either. Read More

Investment in businesses is drying up and Uncle Sam’s regulatory regime is largely to blame
(BigGovernment.news) It’s been said time and again but unfortunately, few in Washington are listening: The federal bureaucracy is crushing the nation’s capitalistic spirit and with it, the chance to grow the economy and expand opportunities for all Americans. As reported by The Wall Street Journal recently, companies are increasingly reluctant to increase spending on basic Read More

VA officials who defrauded taxpayers will get to keep the money – and their jobs
(BigGovernment.news) It’s no wonder a huge majority of Americans no longer trust their government to do the right thing. As reported by the Washington Examiner, two Department of Veterans Affairs officials who were accused of defrauding the agency of $400,000 will be allowed to keep the taxpayer money after receiving demotions and unspecified pay cuts Read More

Americans earning around $41K per year will fund Sander’s healthcare plan
Voters who support Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are just fine with shelling out more money in taxes for a health care plan, that’s repeatedly been called unrealistic and a near impossibility. The brunt of the financial burden will fall on the middle class, or those making around $41,000 per year. The middle class is most Read More

5 million people vacate California in less than a decade, with many heading to Texas
California continues to witness a mass exodus as several of its citizens flee the state, with the majority of them heading to Texas. Several catalysts account for the sizable out-of-state migration, including California’s ridiculously high tax rates, a lack of water as it enters its fourth year of drought and continual infringements of freedom through legislation such Read More

California faces $12-billion deficit pending China stock market crash
California’s state of affairs continues to weaken amidst increased tax rates, absurd regulations and enormous welfare payouts, such as its decision to fund healthcare for undocumented minors, forcing the middle class onto the brink of extinction. Taking its place is the “one percent,” as California houses more billionaires than any other state. These billionaires pay Read More