Brussels attack demonstrates just how dangerous the threat of radical Islam is to the world and how prepared we must always be
(Bugout.news) The latest ISIS-planned attack in Brussels, Belgium – about as peaceful a nation as it gets, until now – proves once more that the world is not safe from these radical murderers who have declared war on pretty much everyone who isn’t like them. As of this writing, more than three dozen people were Read More

Vigilance in a time of heightened concern over terrorism is important for improving security
(Bugout.news) In recent days we posted a story warning of the potential for dangerous criminal gangs to infiltrate the country from Latin America, due to the lax enforcement of our immigration laws by the current administration. But there is another danger as well, and it comes from much further abroad: Terrorists intent on disrupting our Read More

U.S. communities becoming overrun with criminal aliens and terrorists: It’s time to protect yourself and your family
(Bugout.news) The Obama administration’s efforts to bring in more un-vetted refugees from the war-torn Middle East, as well as its neglect to provide adequate security along the U.S. Southwest border and its tolerance of so-called “sanctuary cities,” means that an increasing number of American communities are being overrun by criminal aliens who are becoming more Read More

If war comes to America, say goodbye to your constitutional rights
(Bugout.news) President James Buchanan (1857-1861) and his predecessor, Abraham Lincoln, both shared the view that no state had a right to secede from the Union. Buchanan, however, believed that if a state did secede, the central government possessed no power to force it to remain in the union.[1] The Constitution was unclear on this issue, Read More