Belgium and the Netherlands are stocking up on Iodine to combat nuclear radiation from power plants… should U.S. residents be stocking up too?
(Be prepared and get your emergency Iodine from the Natural News Store by clicking here while supplies last) Nuclear accidents are no longer considered a slight possibility, but an imminent threat due to aging reactors and the sites being increasingly targeted by terror groups, such as ISIS. The Dutch government is the latest to take Read More

Terrorists are winning: European women being told not to go in public without male escorts, just like in Muslim countries
Historically, Europeans, like Americans, are a tolerant bunch, but their patience is wearing thin as their leaders disregard common sense and public safety, in their rush to out-liberal each other and see who can admit more cultural opposites from the Middle East and North Africa. So bad have the mounting incidents of sexual abuse committed Read More

Iraqi official claims Western-supplied terrorist group carried out false-flag bombing on mosque to inflame Sunni–Shiite relations
(NaturalNews) Tensions continue to escalate in the Middle East after Saudi Arabia cut ties with Tehran following the execution of a prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr by Saudi authorizes. Nimr and 46 others were killed in a single day on terrorism charges, inciting anger among many and resulting in a division along sectarian lines. Protests Read More

Syrians headed for the US arrested in Honduras for carrying fake passports
In the wake of the November 13 Paris attacks orchestrated by terrorists possibly linked to ISIS, Honduran authorities have reportedly arrested five Syrians intending to travel to the United States with stolen Greek passports. The Syrians, who have now been detained and are under investigation, failed to make it past airport security checks, according to police spokesman Read More