VIDEO: National Park bureaucrats joke about stealing land from two World War II veterans
There are literally thousands of examples every year of public corruption at all levels of government. Particularly galling to Americans, however, is corruption at the federal level, since any one of the federal government’s hundreds of agencies could, at any time, reach out and touch us. But a video that surfaced recently is particularly repugnant, Read More

Puerto Rico in the midst of an economic collapse, admits U.S. Treasury official
The pipe dream days of easy money and endless credit are coming to an end in the United States, and the first place that is becoming evident is in a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico. The Caribbean nation has been in economic dire straights for some time, but U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew recently announced in Read More

USA continues to plummet in freedom rankings as government refuses to follow rule of law and denies rights to citizens
A new report on the freedom of countries around the world ranks the United States 20th, putting countries like Chile and the United Kingdom ahead of the U.S. In their periodic ranking of economic freedom, a trio of libertarian thinktanks – the Cato Institute, the Fraser Institute and the Swiss Liberales Institut – have dropped the U.S. Read More