Big Pharma exploiting the TPP deal to take total control of global healthcare
There certainly will be some winners if the governments of all 12 nations, who have signed on to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, wind up ratifying the agreement – but there will be many more losers. Hundreds of millions of them will be losing, in fact: The people. As noted by Common Dreams, public interest groups have Read More

Wall Street crash movie: Too big to fail or box office flop?
The Big Short, a newly released Hollywood film about the 2007–2008 crash, has so far performed well at the box office and received acclaimed reviews – it features several big stars although it deals with a subject many perhaps would rather sooner forget. Brad Pitt, Christian Bale and Ryan Gosling star in a tale about Read More

Dollar closer than ever to losing global reserve currency status as yuan gains IMF approval
The International Monetary Fund is expected to add the Chinese yuan (AKA the renminbi) to its “special drawing rights” currency basket alongside the US dollar, Japanese yen, British sterling and euro. If the IMF does indeed vote to include the yuan, it will signal a “significant milestone” for the country’s currency, according to insiders. Andrew Read More

Nearly 100 million unemployed – what does this symptom say about the health of the U.S. economy?
The Atlanta Federal Reserve has an interesting explanation for why America has reached a 40-year record-low rate for domestic labor participation, with 94.6 million people currently unemployed. In their own words, they pointedly remarked, “Generally speaking, people in the 25–54 age group are the most likely to participate in the labor market. These so-called prime-age Read More

Interview with James Wesley Rawles discusses the inevitable breakdown and contraction of the U.S. economy
All News PipeLine has posted a fascinating video of an interview with James Wesley Rawles, a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, and also creator of SurvivalBlog.com. His expertise is in food storage, first aid, firearms, off-the-grid power and communications. Rawles discusses the possibility of the current turbulence in the world, from tensions with Russia to Read More