Over 20 soldiers dead, more than 200 hospitalized after U.S. lab leaks ‘new and deadly virus’ in Ukraine
If you haven’t heard – and judging by the lack of coverage of this by the legacy media, you haven’t – a U.S. lab is being blamed for what would amount to an atrocity if it were committed on American soil. As noted by Zero Hedge and reported by Ukrainian media, scores of soldiers were Read More

Inside the Army’s secret study to combat a rising Russia
(NationalSecurity.news) Following Russia’s stunningly successful and wholly unexpected incursion into eastern Ukraine the Pentagon and, the U.S. Army in particular, has had to step back and reassess the military capabilities of its Cold War nemesis. According to a report from Politico Magazine, planners are extremely alarmed and concerned by what they have seen. Top Army brass have Read More

U.S. intelligence: Hack of Ukrainian power grid ‘highly sophisticated’
(Cyberwar.news) An investigation by U.S. intelligence agencies has found that the December hack of a Ukrainian power grid was highly sophisticated and well-coordinated, The Associated Press is reporting. The report, released last week, provides a detailed analysis of one of the first uses of cyberspace to successfully take a portion of a country’s power grid Read More

Hackers take down the Ukrainian power grid
For years, the idea that hackers could take down a large, regional power grid has been only a theoretical threat to national security. But no more… Now, it has been confirmed that malicious code installed by hackers took down a large, regional power grid in Ukraine, plunging 700,000 homes and businesses into darkness. If this Read More

U.S. intelligence examining malware thought to have caused Ukraine power blackout
(Cyberwar.news) The U.S. intelligence community is examining bits of malware code that was believed to have been used in the first publicly acknowledged instance of hacking a power station. As reported by FierceGovernmentIT, the malware used in a cyber attack of a Ukrainian power station believed to have been conducted by Russian-based hackers, “is part Read More

IMF and World Bank triggered war and intentionally ousted Ukrainian President to expand Monsanto’s GMO empire
Is it possible that the conflict in Ukraine is really just a front for a Monsanto land grab? Before Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was forcibly removed from office, he had repeatedly rejected agreements and loan packages from international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF, which padded their deals with conditions that Read More

Russia and NATO now “actively preparing for war” as global tensions escalates to Cold War levels
Tensions between NATO and Russia are at their highest since the end of the Cold War. A clash of military war games caused a number of close encounters between the two powers. Many fear that the war games have the two forces teetering on the brink of war. NATO and Russia started preparing their military Read More