United Nations ‘peacekeeping’ the face of global corruption: more allegations of rape, ‘transactional sex’ and child abuse
The United Nations’ personnel and peacekeeping forces have a problem, in that they can’t seem to keep their sexual desires to themselves. As reported by Fox News, UN personnel, which includes peacekeepers in 10 UN missions the world over, were involved in 99 new allegations of sexual exploitation and/or abuse in 2015, or about 25 Read More

Greedy feds have already grabbed over 53% of Oregon’s land, forcing humans into controlled cities
No matter what the final outcome, one of the most important aspects of the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is that it has drawn public attention to the ongoing federal land grab — part of a scheme that threatens not only the Western states where the feds already own more than 40 percent Read More

COP21: African campaigners seek to make rich countries liable, demand compensation for effects of global warming
African politicians and NGOs are demanding reparation for the damage allegedly being inflicted on the continent by global warming — a problem that, according to campaigners, continues to persist only because of the activities of developed countries. As mentioned in The Independent, campaigners insist “compensation should cover everything from storm damage and crop failure to desertification and forest degradation.” Moreover, they maintain that “the Read More

America in Peril: The Agenda 21 Takeover
As the UN mandated, Agenda 21 blueprint is quickly being adopted and implemented in States and Municipalities across this country, is it accurate to describe America as a Nation in peril? For me, the question is self-evident. The moral decay in America is becoming pretty hard to ignore, and with the majority of American’s minds Read More