Beware of the walking disease carriers: Recently vaccinated children highly likely to spread vaccine-strain virus to others
If you want to keep your children free from measles, whooping cough or other “terrifying” illnesses currently hyped by the mainstream media, you might want to avoid getting close to vaccinated children. What health officials are not telling you is that attenuated vaccines, like the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, shed live viruses for weeks, Read More

Planned in advance? Vaccine magically became available for testing after media hype on Ebola outbreak
Amid all the alarm in what the media claims is the worst Ebola outbreak in history, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), in partnership with the U.S. National Institutes of Health, released an experimental vaccine that, out of nowhere, became magically available for testing in a couple of weeks. Normally, it takes several years for a new vaccine to Read More

More studies show unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children
Multiple studies outside the U.S. continue to demonstrate unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children. According to a resurrected study from the 1990s, vaccinated children were more likely to suffer from asthma, eczema, ear infections, hyperactivity and many other chronic conditions than unvaccinated children. In 1992, the Immunization Awareness Society (IAS) performed a survey to Read More

Mandatory vaccination law on the horizon
The “Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015” (H.R.2232) is on its way, and is just the beginning of more Big Government worming its way to totalitarian status. All U.S. states will be “compelled” to adhere to the law if it’s passed, or they risk losing their access to federal monetary aid. That doesn’t sound like bully Read More