CDC whistleblower: “We were ordered to cover up vaccine-autism link” (VIDEO)
This video contains an extraordinary conversation for extraordinary times. Biblical times, really. When the lie becomes the truth and the truth becomes a lie. These days, lying is not just okey dokey, nor is it an occasional little white one – there’s no such thing. It is not merely the flavor for the month. It is all Read More

Science is broken: Fraudulent studies, non-reproducible results, corporate money influence… it’s all falling apart
When the scientific method is no longer about science and truth, but endowments, grants, tenure and keeping a paradigm of falsehood under wraps, it is time for a truth revolution. A brilliant article that meticulously describes the devastating compromises and subterfuge slithering about in boardrooms, scientific journals, research projects and universities is William A. Wilson’s “Scientific Read More