Science is broken: Fraudulent studies, non-reproducible results, corporate money influence… it’s all falling apart
When the scientific method is no longer about science and truth, but endowments, grants, tenure and keeping a paradigm of falsehood under wraps, it is time for a truth revolution. A brilliant article that meticulously describes the devastating compromises and subterfuge slithering about in boardrooms, scientific journals, research projects and universities is William A. Wilson’s “Scientific Read More

ABC censored 99% of this stunning interview on vaccine truth: Here’s what they didn’t want you to witness
ABC World News Tonight conducted an interview with Del Bigtree, producer of the polarizing documentary “VAXXED,” over the phone for ten minutes. Rather than give Bigtree the opportunity to respond to critics of the film, which was originally endorsed and later retracted by Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Film Festival, the media outlet aired a mere Read More

Why Was Vaxxed Pulled From The Tribeca Film Festival? (Audio)
Brain Hooker PhD Explains Why Vaxxed Was Pulled From The Tribeca Film Festival