VA hospital EXPOSED: Patients’ wait times were altered to create illusion of providing health care to veterans who were actually left out in the cold
I know a few veterans, and the way in which they have been treated in their so-called health care system is reprehensible. Waiting months for an appointment. And then once seen, having to exhale one painful breath after another to convince the doctor that the injuries they don’t see with their physical eyes are more debilitating than the Read More

Another reason why the last thing you should want is complete government-run healthcare
(BigGovernment.news) Supporters of the Veterans Administration say the nation’s largest healthcare conglomerate isn’t getting a fair shake in the media. They say that for the most part, the VA provides quality healthcare to the nation’s veterans and that customer service is generally. But then, stories like this make the news. As Reuters reported recently: U.S. Read More