Plan now for your financial survival after social security, Medicare and government retirement funds all go bankrupt
What if you were told that the collapse of the American economy – the world’s largest by far – was already underway? Would you believe it? Should you believe it? The short answer to the second question is, “yes.” As noted by the All Self Sustained web site, a set of circumstances have been building Read More

Obama justice system protected Wall Street executives from prosecution
According to Goldman Sachs, we are in the third wave of the great crisis; what happened in 2008 continues to haunt Americans now facing financial risk at the next phase of the collapse. Banks and executives who should’ve been indicted for their misdeeds have gotten away under our justice system. Despite pressure from Congress’ Oversight Read More

Strangled financial sector says Obama won’t touch Dodd-Frank before he leaves office
(BigGovernment.news) While America’s financial sector certainly share some blame for the Great Recession of 2007-08, so does the federal government and, in particular, the administration of William Jefferson Clinton. Back in the mid-1990s, Clinton went to ridiculous lengths to increase home ownership. In collusion with then-HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo, now governor of New York, he Read More

Wall Street crash movie: Too big to fail or box office flop?
The Big Short, a newly released Hollywood film about the 2007–2008 crash, has so far performed well at the box office and received acclaimed reviews – it features several big stars although it deals with a subject many perhaps would rather sooner forget. Brad Pitt, Christian Bale and Ryan Gosling star in a tale about Read More

“Whatever you might think” about China, “It’s worse!”
(Collapse.news) A Wall Street pro says that Friday’s stock market sell-off, in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average experienced its single-largest one-day loss since 2011, was due in large part to China’s tanking economic prospects – a situation he says is being grossly underestimated. “It’s worse than you think. Whatever you might think, it’s worse,” Read More