Uncle Sam continues to waste your tax money on frivolous ‘research,’ such as paying a ‘scientist’ to have a bee sting his genitals
(BigGovernment.news) Just when you thought the federal government couldn’t sink to new lows when it came to wasting taxpayer money, along comes a report from a U.S. senator that blows that assumption out of the water. Of all the nefarious “research” the taxpayer, via the National Institutes of Health and other federal entities, has had Read More

Waste not, want not: Report exposes hundreds of BILLIONS every year in duplicate govt. spending
(BigGovernment.news) There is no better entity on the face of the planet for wasting valuable taxpayer resources than the U.S. government, as a recently released report proves yet again. In fact, the government wastes hundreds of billions a year on duplicate spending, even as Congress and the president rack up trillions in debt and turn tone-deaf ears Read More