Investigative journalist reveals global vaccine conspiracy orchestrated by the WHO
On February 26, 2014, a public hearing was held under the direction of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Tokyo, Japan in response to reports of adverse effects following Gardasil vaccinations. Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, the Director of Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, testified on the behalf of parents whose children had either died, or experienced serious neurological Read More

U.S. Department of Health admits vaccines can cause injury and death
Our government has always been an institution built on secrets, cover-ups and lies, if we were to look at it at the negative, disillusioned end of the spectrum. For instance, certain information about vaccines, which the public ought to know, has long remained shrouded in mystery — that is, until previously unheard of admissions came to light thanks to the U.S. Read More

The Netherlands, France, Italy and Sweden block vote to renew Monsanto’s glyphosate license, calling for further safety assessments
Biotech giant Monsanto is finally suffering the consequences of poisoning people and the environment with their cancer-causing herbicide, Roundup. Monsanto, which is on record for operating like a vicious mafia, was called out by the World Health Organization last spring when it declared that Roundup’s primary ingredient, glyphosate, is “probably carcinogenic.” Since then, a string Read More

EBOLA 2016: Medical authorities struggle to control Ebola outbreak as latest plasma treatment fails
Medical authorities continue to struggle to contain the new Ebola outbreak. Treating the disease with blood plasma donated by Ebola survivors failed to drastically increase the likelihood of recovering from the malady, according to a field test of the experimental treatment. The results are based on the cases of 84 people treated with plasma in Read More

Antibiotic resistance reaches worldwide high after years of excessive prescriptions and abuse
Bacteria are resisting the killing effects of antibiotics more than ever before. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), antibiotic resistance has reached dangerous levels globally, largely fueled by a widespread overprescription of antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is a corollary of a bug becoming immune to an existing drug, which can morph a minor infection into Read More