Pentagon: China is restructuring its military for war as it boosts troop levels near Indian border
(NationalSecurity.news) The Chinese military is undergoing a major restructuring to prepare it for future conflict, the Pentagon told Congress in its latest annual assessment of the People’s Liberation Army, including taking a more aggressive posture towards its large and powerful neighbors. As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the Pentagon said in its 145-page report Read More

U.S., Russia and China embroiled in hypersonic missile race with winner-take-all stakes
(NationalSecurity.news) In terms of ballistic missile capabilities, a weapon designed to travel at hypersonic speeds would essentially become a game-changer overnight for the country that develops it first, given such a weapon’s ability to make obsolete even the most advanced ballistic missile defense systems. And right now, the U.S., Russia and China are locked in Read More

Western bankers are provoking Russian into starting WWIII
Many have speculated about the possibility that the recent drop in oil prices was part of a ploy by Western bankers and governments to punish Vladimir Putin over his actions in Ukraine and challenges of NATO authority. But there are some who see an even darker agenda. Is it possible that the West is deliberately Read More

False-flag attack warning: Tension mounts as China vows retaliation against US
While the United States has safely sailed within 12 miles of China’s artificial islands in the South China Seas recently, China remains unhappy with what they deem to be the United States’ military challenge to Beijing’s territorial claims. China has further warned the US to “think twice” about “making trouble,” lest they suffer the consequences. Read More

Turkish forces down Russian war plane; pilots maimed by Western-backed forces as they descend in parachutes
Update: Reports now confirm a Russian rescue helicopter was shot down by U.S.-backed Syrian rebels while searching for its missing pilots. The Turkish army shot down a Russian war plane using two F-16s on Tuesday after claiming its airspace was violated 10 times within a five-minute period, according to reports; however, Russia begs to differ, Read More

How Iran and Russia conspired to start World War III
(NationalSecurity.news) Russia and Iran’s entry into the Syrian civil war was no spur-of-the-moment decision but rather the result of months of careful planning as a means of rescuing a faltering President Bashar al-Assad, while preserving at all costs the lone port that Moscow has in the Mediterranean. At a meeting in the Russian capital in Read More

Russia on the move in the Middle East: Has World War III begun?
(NationalSecurity.news) The United States and Russia agreed to urgent talks in order to find ways to avoid conflict in Syria a day after Moscow’s warplanes launched their first attack against what American intelligence officials say were concentrations of anti-regime rebels. On Thursday, the UK’s Daily Mail reported that Russian officials said warplanes had launched strikes Read More

Interview with James Wesley Rawles discusses the inevitable breakdown and contraction of the U.S. economy
All News PipeLine has posted a fascinating video of an interview with James Wesley Rawles, a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, and also creator of SurvivalBlog.com. His expertise is in food storage, first aid, firearms, off-the-grid power and communications. Rawles discusses the possibility of the current turbulence in the world, from tensions with Russia to Read More

Russia and NATO now “actively preparing for war” as global tensions escalates to Cold War levels
Tensions between NATO and Russia are at their highest since the end of the Cold War. A clash of military war games caused a number of close encounters between the two powers. Many fear that the war games have the two forces teetering on the brink of war. NATO and Russia started preparing their military Read More