Friday, November 11, 2016 by usafeaturesmedia
(Bugout.news) Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be right.
In the months leading up to the presidential election, several learned observers predicted that should GOP nominee Donald. J. Trump defeat his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, violence would likely break out, if not all over the country then at least in Left-wing strongholds. Why just those? Because as upset as conservatives and constitutionalists would have been with a Clinton victory, they, historically, have not burned and looted their own neighborhoods “in protest.”
Now, as reported by Mediaite, the first real threat of violence – and death – has been made, by a Latina protestor in (where else?) California. During an interview with CNN – whose correspondent didn’t even bother to question her about what she said – a woman named “Lilly” from Los Angeles called for violence as a means of political change.
“If we don’t fight, who is going to fight for us? People had to die for your freedom where we’re at today. We can’t just do rallies, we have to fight back,” she said. “There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because people have to die to make a change in this world,” she continued. “Trump, enough with your racism. Stop splitting families. Don’t split my family.”
First of all, if President Trump follows through on his pledge to send those who have no legal right to be in the U.S. back home (and he should), the people responsible for that are the ones who came here illegally. Blaming Trump for something you and your family did is typical of Left-wing misdirection and denial; it’s not Trump’s fault, nor the fault of any American citizen, that you decided to break our laws.
Secondly, what those here illegally don’t understand or don’t want to understand is, regardless of what Obama and the mayors of sanctuary cities have allowed you to get away with for years, if you came into the country illegally you don’t have the same rights that American citizens have because, well, you’re not a citizen.
But what’s really telling about all of this is the silence coming from the White House and Democrats in general.
If Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton – and every other Democrat – were worth their salt and really gave a damn about the safety and sanctity of their country, they would rise up in unison and denounce this seditious garbage for what it is: An overt, clear threat to the security of our country. A woman openly calling for civil war – had she been a Trump supporter – would have certainly garnered outrage from the pathetic establishment media and, quite possibly, a visit from the FBI.
They won’t of course, because this is precisely what they want – blood on American streets that they can then blame on President-elect Trump.
Sore loser leftists in California are already calling for secession, and quite frankly, that may not be a bad idea. California has long since been transformed into a socialist haven of idiocy and leftist authoritarianism. If there is one state that is “not like the others,” it’s California.
Meantime, the Trump transition team had better prepare a Plan A, B and C for dealing with this budding discontent and sedition because it’s only going to get worse.
(c) 2016 USA Features Media.
Tagged Under: Tags: civil war, Donald Trump, social chaos, unrest