Satan worshipers align with Planned Parenthood to defend the practice of chopping up babies for profit

September 3rd, 2015, by

(NaturalNews) Worshipers of Satan staged their own counter-protest against pro-life activists and supporters outside Planned Parenthood facilities in Detroit and Ferndale, Michigan, the Washington Examiner reports.

Members of the Satanic Temple of Detroit, dressed in black robes and priest costumes, proceeded to drench women with milk, as a means of simulating water-boarding to “illustrate the theocratic agenda imposed upon female bodies.” The milk was to symbolize breast milk, a protest organizer explained on Facebook, the Washington Examiner (WE) reported.

In addition, the Satanic group attached a symbol of their temple to an American flag and held a sign that read, “America is not a theocracy. End forced motherhood.” At one point during the stunt, the WE reported, a man who claimed to be a sheriff was unsuccessful in attempting to force the Satan worshippers to disperse.

Satanic Temple members said they drew inspiration for their “political theater” from nationwide anti-Planned Parenthood protests that were held Aug. 23. The WE reported that tens of thousands of protesters showed up at more than 300 Planned Parenthood facilities around the country; the protests follow a series of gruesome, revealing undercover videos which expose the leading abortion provider as harvesting and selling fetal organs and tissues.

“We consider our action a form of worship”

The Washington Examiner further reported:

The pro-life protesters hope to end Federal taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, which currently receives over half a billion dollars per year. Michigan state senators, some of whom appeared at the protests [Aug. 23], have launched their own bill to defund the organization.

“The Satanic Temple strongly opposes the promotion of misinformation and believes that all people are entitled to make informed decisions about their health, family and future without coercion,” says the group’s website. “We consider our action a form of worship; the rejection of tyranny is an affirmation of selfhood. So long as perverted theocratic systems of power attempt to manipulate our communities and distort truths for political gain, we will rebel.”

Satan worshipers also believe that “Satan is representative of the eternal rebel, enlightened inquiry and personal freedom,” the Satanic Temple’s website further notes.

As Natural News has reported, the Center for Medical Progress, the group that produced the undercover videos utilizing actors posing as employees of a tissue research firm, has managed to catch a number of high-ranking medical and administrative personnel at Planned Parenthood discussing the sale of fetal tissues and organs for profit, a violation of federal law.

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“Techs freak out and have melt downs”

In one bombshell allegation, the head of the center, David Daleiden, told CNN that the initial attempts of one tissue firm, StemExpress LLC, to try to block new video releases was only to cover up a horrific fact: That it purchase entire, intact aborted (killed) babies from the “women’s health” provider.

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants,” Daleiden told the cable news channel. “And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge issued an order blocking release of the video, but eventually the court reversed itself and allowed the video release to proceed.

Even more gruesome, as LifeSiteNews reported Aug. 25, Planned Parenthood also provides “a lot” of “intact” bodies of aborted babies to tissue researchers, the CEO of StemExpress confirmed in the latest video.

LifeSiteNews reported:

In a business luncheon recorded on May 22, StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer also says she believes that the sale of aborted babies’ body parts has been “profitable” for the abortion industry which, if true, would indicate Planned Parenthood has committed a federal felony.

She went on to explain that once StemExpress has received the desired organs, they are then shipped to academic institutions for use – something that researchers have often found mentally scarring, especially in the case of “intact” baby cadavers.

“If you have intact cases, which we’ve done a lot, we sometimes ship those back to our lab in its entirety,” she said. “Tell the lab it’s coming, so they don’t open the box and” scream. “Their lab techs freak out and have meltdowns.”

Read the complete LifeSiteNews report here.
