Grand jury indicts anti-abortion activist for ‘soliciting’ human organs; Planned Parenthood in the clear for selling baby parts
A Texas district attorney just pulled off a lawyer’s version of a bait-and-switch in Houston, but hopefully when all is said and done he’ll be the one in hot water and the real guilty party in the case will have to answer for what they’ve (allegedly) done. As reported by the Houston Chronicle, a grand Read More

Democrats threaten to shut down food stamps program to maintain funding for genocidal abortion agenda
Civil uprising caused by the permanent, or even temporary, suspension of government-issued food stamps, also known as Electronic Benefits Transfers (EBTs), is considered to be one of the greatest threats to today’s society. Attempting to remove the stigma associated with food stamps, the federal government began issuing EBT cards in the late 1990s and early Read More

Tennessee woman charged with attempted first-degree murder following self-induced, coat hanger abortion
A Tennessee woman has been charged with attempted first-degree murder for a failed self-induced abortion attempt. According to the Daily News Journal, Anna Yocca of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, was 24 weeks pregnant when she decided to perform her own abortion. She filled a bathtub with water and inserted a coat hanger into her womb. After the Read More

Satan worshipers align with Planned Parenthood to defend the practice of chopping up babies for profit
(NaturalNews) Worshipers of Satan staged their own counter-protest against pro-life activists and supporters outside Planned Parenthood facilities in Detroit and Ferndale, Michigan, the Washington Examiner reports. Members of the Satanic Temple of Detroit, dressed in black robes and priest costumes, proceeded to drench women with milk, as a means of simulating water-boarding to “illustrate the Read More