You still aren’t grasping the systemic risk in the stock market

January 21st, 2016, by

If you still own stocks and mutual fund shares, you still aren’t grasping the systemic risk in the stock market, says Mike Adams.

The massive market bubble currently in place has been propped up by a steady stream of fiat money being printed by the Federal Reserve and handed out to banksters who have ties to Washington. This, combined with near-zero interest rates, is the only thing propping up the bubble market.

High-tech companies are back into bubble territory with unrealistic valuations based on hype and vapor. Meanwhile, the corrupt mainstream media continues to lie to the sucker public, telling them the market can only go UP… even as it careens on the verge of systemic collapse.

The systemic nature of the global banking system and its insane derivatives debt means the next collapse will be a SYSTEMIC firestorm that’s unstoppable and absolutely devastating. Pensions, bank accounts, investment funds, bonds and much more will be nearly wiped out, and the corrupt, criminal government regime will make sure everyday Americans are the ultimate losers when the dust settles.

Catch Mike Adams’ podcasts at, and visit and for frequent updates on the coming global debt collapse.

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