
Plan now for your financial survival after social security, Medicare and government retirement funds all go bankrupt

What if you were told that the collapse of the American economy – the world’s largest by far – was already underway? Would you believe it? Should you believe it? The short answer to the second question is, “yes.” As noted by the All Self Sustained web site, a set of circumstances have been building Read More


The Health Ranger Report: Sell your stocks now, before it’s too late

“Sell, sell, sell!” Despite mainstream media reports to the contrary, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, strongly urges all those who own stocks, bonds and mutual funds to start selling their investments, given the threat of a market crash looming on the horizon. Adams forecasts that the recent market rise will be one of our last Read More


Hilarious propaganda from Marketwatch: When markets keep crashing, “DON’T SELL!”

Well, this is awkward. As the new year began, the 20th largest bank on the planet issued a dire financial warning to investor clients advising them to “sell everything” and prepare for a “cataclysmic” 2016. “Sell everything except high quality bonds,” warned Andrew Roberts, the bank’s credit chief. As reported by CNNMoney: [Roberts] said the Read More


Emergency economic red alert (Audio)

This is an emergency economic alert issued to readers and fans of and The global financial implosion is now very near. Many catastrophic signs now point to a coming wave of economic and financial devastation: * The plummeting of the Baltic Dry Index to record lows, indicating that global manufacturing of consumer goods Read More

Mike Adams health ranger report TalkNetwork

You still aren’t grasping the systemic risk in the stock market

If you still own stocks and mutual fund shares, you still aren’t grasping the systemic risk in the stock market, says Mike Adams. The massive market bubble currently in place has been propped up by a steady stream of fiat money being printed by the Federal Reserve and handed out to banksters who have ties Read More


Wall Street crash movie: Too big to fail or box office flop?

The Big Short, a newly released Hollywood film about the 2007–2008 crash, has so far performed well at the box office and received acclaimed reviews – it features several big stars although it deals with a subject many perhaps would rather sooner forget. Brad Pitt, Christian Bale and Ryan Gosling star in a tale about Read More

American money

Billionaire Carl Icahn warns of coming economic collapse

Carl Icahn, a billionaire activist investor says low rates have caused bubbles in art, real estate and high-yield bonds, all in his opinion holding potentially dramatic consequences. Commenting further on the grim state of affairs in the economy, he mentioned that he’s more hedged now than he’s been in years, that the Fed may have Read More

Credit: Flickr

Stock market remains under pressure amidst largest drop in history

The stock market crash of 2015 has already begun, and it’s about to get much worse, said financial expert Gregory Mannarino in a tweet on August 26. An active trader of capital markets, Mannarino has authored several books on finance, global economics and equity trading. He also has an active YouTube channel in which he Read More


China begins arresting journalists for reporting on global market crash

(NaturalNews) The Chinese government is known for its authoritarianism and secrecy, which helps explain why there has been a crackdown of sorts on any journalists seeking to report the truth surrounding China’s stock market plunge and economic disorder. As noted by Zero Hedge, Chinese authorities have been working for two months to control not just Read More

Credit: Wikimedia

Mainstream media pundits give false hope about a stable market

The stock market’s recent historic crash signals the coming of a global debt collapse, as arrogant economists continue to vastly overestimate their understanding of the market. The predicted crash, which will breed global panic, will occur as a process, rather than a singular event and will result in a cascading systemic failure, as warned about Read More