Mainstream media pundits give false hope about a stable market

August 31st, 2015, by

The stock market’s recent historic crash signals the coming of a global debt collapse, as arrogant economists continue to vastly overestimate their understanding of the market.

The predicted crash, which will breed global panic, will occur as a process, rather than a singular event and will result in a cascading systemic failure, as warned about by Natural News’ Editor Mike Adams in a mini-documentary called “2015 Systemic Market Crash.”

Never before has the world’s financial system been so interdependent and interlinked, multiplying the risk of systemic failure, which could essentially cause a domino effect throughout the system.

A common explanation for the recent stock market plunge is, “It’s not a crash, it’s just the end of a ‘market cycle.’”’s Brandon Smith wrote:

“This is the most ignorant non-explanation I think I have ever heard. There is no such thing as a ‘market cycle’ when your markets are supported partially or fully by fiat manipulation. Our market is in no way a free market, thus, it cannot behave like a free market, and thus, it is a stunted market with no identifiable cycles.”

Watch the full video by Mike Adams explaining the risk of a systemic market crash:

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