Entire global financial system can go crashing down with one “small” glitch
The bankruptcy of the Lehman brothers was a huge loss for everyone involved, except the super-wealthy who often emerge from financial crises without a scratch. While everyone remembers this crash with post-traumatic clarity, there are other glitches that are lesser known but that were almost equally destructive. This glitch described by Zero Hedge illustrates just how easily Read More

Why are so many people freaking out about a stock market crash in the fall of 2015?
Is the stock market going to crash by the end of 2015? Of course stock market crashes are already happening in 23 different nations around the planet, but most Americans don’t really care about those markets. The truth is that what matters to people in this country is the health of their own stock portfolios Read More

Computer glitch wreaks havoc on mutual fund industry
Bank of New York Mellon Corp. is working to fix a computer glitch which prevented hundreds of investors from knowing the values of their holdings. The episode coincides with a turbulent week on the stock market and has severely undermined the trustworthiness of the world’s largest custody bank.(1) The bank reports that an accounting system Read More

Mainstream media pundits give false hope about a stable market
The stock market’s recent historic crash signals the coming of a global debt collapse, as arrogant economists continue to vastly overestimate their understanding of the market. The predicted crash, which will breed global panic, will occur as a process, rather than a singular event and will result in a cascading systemic failure, as warned about Read More