Road to war? German citizens lob grenade at refugee shelter to protest government migration policies

February 9th, 2016, by

A year ago, she was perhaps the most popular political leader in Europe.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow more than 1 million, mostly Syrian, refugees to resettle in the European Union’s richest nation, earned her the adulation of the world and even led to a “Person of the Year” award from Time magazine.

Now, months and hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees later, and after a series of sexual assaults and other crimes committed against German citizens by many of the very migrants who were welcomed in with open arms, Merkel’s popularity has plunged.

In fact, a strong plurality even wants her to step down. It seems the great migrant experiment is failing, even to the point of violence.

As reported by Zero Hedge, in recent weeks there has been a sizeable increase in Google search queries for gun permits in Germany. In fact, since Jan. 1, the number of German citizens googling “gun permits” has risen an astounding 1,000 percent.

At the same time, sales of non-lethal weapons, like tear gas pistols, have gone through the roof, as more and more Germans seek to protect themselves against what a lot of citizens are now viewing as a hostile foreign invasion.

A grenade used in a fight to preserve a stabilized German society

Though most Germans for now are satisfied with countering any threats of violence posed by migrant groups with non-lethal weapons, one person decided to employ a much more deadly weapon in the fight to preserve a stabilize German society – a grenade.

“Unknown assailants hurled a hand grenade at a shelter for asylum seekers in southern Germany on Friday but the device did not explode and no one was injured,” AFP reports. “Police in Villingen-Schwenningen said about 20 residents of the shelter were temporarily evacuated but were able to return to their rooms in the early morning hours.”

“Security staff discovered the intact explosive device and notified the police,” read a statement from authorities.

The grenade’s pin was pulled, reports noted. It wasn’t clear why the device did not go off, but police then exploded it in a controlled detonation after removing it from the scene.

Notes Zero Hedge further:

Although no one was harmed in this particular attack, it underscores just how precarious the situation has become. Refugees probably thought the days of having grenades lobbed at them were over once they escaped the war-torn Mid-East. They were wrong.

German citizens becoming fed up with the situation

At the same time a newly released survey revealed how angry, frustrated and fed up ordinary Germans are becoming with the situation. The survey, conducted for Focus magazine, found that 40 percent of the country fully believe Merkel is ought to resign.

“The Insa poll for Focus magazine surveyed 2,047 Germans between Jan. 22 to Jan. 25,” Reuters reports. “It was the first time the pollster had asked voters whether Merkel should quit.”

Merkel has taken time to mingle with many of the arriving migrants, allowing them to take selfies with her. She has also defended her policies as being the right thing to do (sound familiar?).

A growing number of her citizens disagree.

As Reuters goes on to report, “Merkel enjoyed record high popularity ratings early last year [but] has grown increasingly isolated in recent months as members of her conservative bloc have pressed her to take a tougher line on asylum seekers and European allies have dragged their feet on the issue.”

Finally, a few days ago German officials moved to adopt stricter asylum rules, in a bid to slow down the flow of migrants into Germany. In particular Berlin added Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco to the “safe countries of origin list,” giving German immigration authorities more authority to deny people from those countries asylum.

In addition, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel declared that family reunions for migrants would be blocked for two years.

It’s becoming clear that the situation with the massive influx of mostly Muslim migrants is having a disastrous effect on largely Christian Europe, with its different cultural morals and values. Some think another incident like what happened in Paris in November, is all it will take for the situation to unravel.


Zero Hedge

Agence France Presse
