United Nations ‘peacekeeping’ the face of global corruption: more allegations of rape, ‘transactional sex’ and child abuse
The United Nations’ personnel and peacekeeping forces have a problem, in that they can’t seem to keep their sexual desires to themselves. As reported by Fox News, UN personnel, which includes peacekeepers in 10 UN missions the world over, were involved in 99 new allegations of sexual exploitation and/or abuse in 2015, or about 25 Read More

Google, Facebook and Twitter all conspire to censor critics of European migrants who sexually assaulted women
The Left-wing extremist governments of Europe continue to put refugees and migrants from war-torn, economically depressed regions of the world ahead of their own citizens, who are being required to foot the bill to care for the new arrivals, even to the point of suppressing their individual rights. As noted recently by Breitbart News, it’s Read More

Swedish government covered up rape crimes of refugees just like liberal U.S. cities cover up rape and murder crimes of illegals
Political correctness and absurd Leftism is getting scores of Europeans – mostly women – hurt and putting scores more at risk. As reported by Breitbart London, a wave of sex crimes committed by thousands of younger male migrants from the Middle East and North Africa is spreading throughout the European continent, and what’s more, uber-Leftist Read More

The Fall of Europe: Migrant responds to anti-rape training… by committing rape
More and more Europeans are beginning to rethink the continent’s generosity towards the hundreds of thousands of migrants EU nations have allowed in after realizing that a meshing of cultures just might not be possible. Following a series of rapes and assaults committed by migrants against European women, a number of EU countries responded not Read More

Sexual assault by Middle Eastern ‘refugees’ becoming routine occurrence in ‘culturally diverse’ Sweden
The sexual crime wave that is sweeping through Europe can be laid squarely at the feet of the continent’s various politicians who agreed to accept millions of migrants and refugees from the war-torn nations of the Middle East, since the massive bump in such crimes is largely due to young Middle Eastern men who don’t Read More

Terrorists are winning: European women being told not to go in public without male escorts, just like in Muslim countries
Historically, Europeans, like Americans, are a tolerant bunch, but their patience is wearing thin as their leaders disregard common sense and public safety, in their rush to out-liberal each other and see who can admit more cultural opposites from the Middle East and North Africa. So bad have the mounting incidents of sexual abuse committed Read More

Coming soon to the U.S.: Middle Eastern migrants celebrated New Years with mass rapes in every major German city
It wasn’t supposed to be this way, but maybe it was destiny – one that Western liberals still cannot comprehend or admit: That maybe, just maybe, there are serious differences between Muslim and Western (Christian-centric) cultures. As some media outlets have reported (not nearly enough of them, by the way), over the New Year’s Eve Read More

Road to war? German citizens lob grenade at refugee shelter to protest government migration policies
A year ago, she was perhaps the most popular political leader in Europe. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow more than 1 million, mostly Syrian, refugees to resettle in the European Union’s richest nation, earned her the adulation of the world and even led to a “Person of the Year” award from Time magazine. Now, Read More

Cologne mayor blames victims, says women should be more careful and ‘prepare’ for more mass rapes by migrants
Rather than acknowledge the connection between an increase in crime – particularly against women – and Germany’s new open-door immigration policy, the Mayor of Cologne instead told women they need to learn how to protect themselves better in the event of future attacks. Henriette Reker’s shocking remarks come after scores of women allege they were Read More