Sexual assault by Middle Eastern ‘refugees’ becoming routine occurrence in ‘culturally diverse’ Sweden

April 4th, 2016, by

The sexual crime wave that is sweeping through Europe can be laid squarely at the feet of the continent’s various politicians who agreed to accept millions of migrants and refugees from the war-torn nations of the Middle East, since the massive bump in such crimes is largely due to young Middle Eastern men who don’t know how to behave in a different culture.

As reported by The Daily Caller, citing local media sources, even “culturally diverse” Sweden is experiencing a wave of migrant-related sexual assaults – but police have gone out of their way to cover up what is happening.

The DC noted further:

“Sexual assaults by gangs of refugees — similar to the events in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve — happened two years in a row at a music festival in Stockholm, Sweden. Police allegedly kept the events quiet in attempts to avoid public debate on immigration.”

‘It’s a sore spot’

Many of the assaults took place at a music festival known as We are Stockholm in August of 2014 and 2015, according to an investigation published by a local daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter. Most of those who attended the festivals were teenage girls, with some even as young as 11 years old, police said.

The investigation into the assaults turned up emails that police officers exchanged during and after the festivals. Most allegations were lodged against newly arrived Afghan refugees, however thus far there is little data on how many people were assaulted, since most of the incidents went unreported.

In addition, the migrant gangs beat and assaulted teenage boys who tried to protect girls who were under attack, the paper noted.

“The youngest girls were just 11 or 12 years old,” an anonymous police officer told DN. “I would have never let my own daughter go to the festival if I was aware of what happened.”

The investigation found that on at least one occasion a case was severe enough to have been classified as rape against a young female attending the 2014 festival. However, that incident was not made public, because the alleged perpetrators were young immigrants, and police were not ready to have a debate over Swedish immigration policies.

In particular, police officials were concerned that Sweden Democrats, a political party that seeks a pause in immigration, and which has been growing steadily in power and influence in recent years, would use the assaults as fodder for changes to immigration policy.

“It’s a sore spot. We’re sometimes scared to tell the truth because we think it will benefit the Sweden Democrats,” Police Chief Peter Ågren told DN. “This one is on us.”

An organizer of the events, Roger Ticoalu, said claims of assaults from girls were so rare that event officials thought they must have been made up.

“These cases are very special. It’s groups of guys that deliberately target girls to circle and sexually abuse,” Ticoalu told DN. “We were shocked to hear their strategies. When we got the first reports we didn’t believe it had happened.”

One assault victim named Fanny described her 2015 assault to a tabloid, Aftonbladet, in a recent interview. At the time she was assaulted, she was 16.

Blame the victims

“They were touching our butts and breasts and everywhere,” said Fanny, who went to the festival with friends. “You felt so powerless, it was really unpleasant. When we tried to get out they stopped us and even hit us.”

The DC noted that police have admitted to making a handful of arrests at the events each year, but most of the cases were unsolved because the perpetrators just disappeared into crowds.

But Sweden is certainly not alone in this refugee-related sexual crime wave. Scores of people – mostly women – suffered similar abuse in Cologne, Germany, over the New Year’s Eve holiday, and again, with local authorities downplaying or ignoring much of the violence because of who was committing the acts.

In fact, as reported by NewsTarget, the mayor of Cologne actually blamed the women who were assaulted, saying they should “be better prepared” for groups of migrant men preying on them.
